I had a wix account for almost 15 years and published my design portfolio there. It is an awesome platform, but actually more for a real coder who also designs, and I paid a lot for the templates and even went for premium premium, also did the host on there.
but when i saw tonic templates like french 75, or any of there cocktail named designs, I just paid the exorbitant fee, i needed that to be mine. I bought it and didnt even understand i would have to also buy showit and showit hosting and DNS my domain from wix to showit. it def adds up, but woah – I have never had this kind of platform.
So just went for it – its a tax write off right? and for every challenge i came across i asked showit to help me – and they actually did. and if it wasnt them it was tonic, honestly i am blown away by th volume of information they keep sending – advice about writing copy as well which i clearly need lol! I will try so hard to take it in and be more considerate, I text and write rather horribly.
So comment below if you need any help and I will explain! its possible to do and its much prettier, is it worth the price? Call me loreal becasue I’m worth it!